Book A Ride Day
Checkout the calendar and events listings for
your next Champion’s Ride Day!
“So excited to meet people who love bikes too. Best day I have had in years, and now i have the photos to prove it! Thanks Champions!”

Photographers Details QLD & VIC
Morgan Park Raceway (QLD)
Motothing – 0429 444 822 // mailmotothing@gmail.com
Broadford Raceway (VIC)
Steven Hendy Photography – 0417 310 699 // shendyphotography@hotmail.com
Book Your Photo Package with us!!
With a Professional Photographer on track all day, with an eye for details, angles and contrast….your pics will be awesome!
Photographers Details SA & WA
The Bend Motorsport Park (SA)
Pit Lane Studio – 0468 946 689 // pitlanestudio@outlook.com
Wanneroo & Collie (WA)
Innesphotografix – 0410 462 779 // innesphotografix@gmail.com

On Board Cameras!!
When recording on track there are policies in place to help with the safety of all riders.
1. All camera mountings must be securely mounted and meet manufacturer specification. No duct tape, bungee cords or other temporary mounts. There must be an additional securing device between camera and bike to prevent the camera from falling in case the primary mount fails
2. All cameras must be mounted so as to not create a hazard to the rider or other riders in the event of a crash or collision.
3. Cameras can be mounted on motorcycles only. No cameras attached to helmets and / or any other parts of the riders body.
4. All cameras and mounts must be scrutineered with the motorcycle on the morning of the event, or before being used in the riders first session.
5. There are to be no cables or other attachments between the motorcycle and rider.
6. Any footage released publicly that is deemed inappropriate to be viewed (such as crashes and / or situations resulting in serious injuries to participants) and / or footage that is considered damaging to the venue, promoter or industry, could result in the banning of the rider from future Champion’s Ride Days events
7. Please note: at NO time will drones be permitted for use
Most of all make sure you get some great footage and share it with us!
Tag Champion’s Ride Days in your socials:)